Babipur Bee Seedbom & Activity Book

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B is for Buzzz Seedbom and Book

A buzzing, bee friendly set made exclusively for Babipur! Enjoy the blooms a B is for Buzz Seedbom will add to your plant beds or pots and see the wildlife they attract! B is for Buzz is a fantastic story book filled with activities and fun facts on bees for you to enjoy with children.

B is for Buzz Seedbom

Encourage wildlife into your garden with a seedbom packed full of nectar rich wildflower seeds. Perfect for pollinators like butterflies and bees!

Seed mix includes Cornflower, Vipers Bugloss, Wild Marjoram, Red Clover, Borage & Phacelia. All these species are found on the Royal Horticultural Societies Perfect for Pollinators list!

Simply throw your seedbom and watch plants grow! Great fun for kids in the garden and for keen adult gardeners too!

Weight: 25g
Size: 50 x 50 x 80mm.
Sustainably made in Scotland.

B is for Buzz Book

This fun, colourful book is a story and activity book in one! Great for teaching children about the importance of the winged, stripy pollinators and why we want to encourage them back into our gardens! Enjoy lots of fun activities for adults and children!

  • 44 pages
  • Premium card cover made from sustainably sourced forests
  • Pages printed on 100gsm recycled paper with eco inks