- ProNevus dog food palatabilityDr Clauder's X-Line Clumping Litter, 10 Kgs

Title Dr Clauder's X-Line Clumping Litter 10 Kgs - WHITE Dr Clauder's X-Line Clumping Litter 10 Kgs - GREY

Dr. Clauder’s cat litter Xtreme White is completely odorless by the particularly fine and pleasantly scented surface with up to 380% absorbency. The smell is absorbed before it can occur at all. Because of the strong anti-caking property you need refill the cat litter box not daily. Simply remove only the individual chunks and require a lot less litter. This extremely fine product is also well suited for long-haired cats. Xtreme White Cat litter does not swell as conventional litter.

Available in White or grey!