- Digestive care cat food Free Cat Treats For Subscribers

Size Gnashers Cat Dental Treats Chillz Calming Treats Chicken Krunchies

Cat treats that are as healthy as they are tasty. All our cat treats are hypoallergenic, free from artificial nasties, and contain no added sugar or salt. Like all our recipes, we add extra gut-friendly goodies like fibre-rich protein or prebiotic-packed Slippery Elm. Going one step further, most our treats have an extra functional benefit too, from dental care or calming.

  • Gnashers Dental Treats - Designed to support dental health, grain free, plant-based.
  • Chillz Calming Treats - Designed for calming with chamomile and valerian, tasty chicken, grain free.
  • Chicken Krunchies - An irresistible reward treat with a dual-texture crispy-crunchy texture.